Friday 9 November 2012

Se7en Film Opening Notes

Se7en Opening Notes

Information: Casting Names
                        Music By
                        Co-Produced by
                        Produced By
                        New Line Cinema Presents
                        Actors Names

Images: Extreme close up of what he's doing with all the pictures and notes
                 It shows that what he is doing is in great detail
                Shows that he is making a scrapbook and the images in the scrapbook fill the screen
                Shows that he is crossing out words (God,Intercourse)
                Shows that he is turning pages in a book to look for things (Pictures/Words)
                Close up of the razor blade. Emphasis that the film is about violence
                Close up of the needle while he is stroking it along his finger

Sound:  There is a strong beat and the beats are low and slow. Adds tension to the film
                The music is rythmic, sounds like a heart beat
                Dark sounds overpowing the music
                Dischordant music doesn't fit with the other sounds
                Beat increases during the opening title and the pace gets quicker.

Font:     The fonts are shaking around the screen, adds to the theme of horror
               Font is handwritten and messy, shows he is a bit of a psycho   
               Black on white. These are contrasting colours
               Font is dark because it emphasis the theme of horror
               Font is in a random layout. This shows the film is going to be random

Editing: Very quick cuts, adds to the pace of the film
                Fade to black
                Very Blurred. This confuses the audience.
                Fast paced Editing. Gives the audience a sublimal message
                Sound wasn't cut to the images. Makes it disjointed and scary
                Shaking the font. Tries to make the audience scared.

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