Thursday 20 September 2012

Goalhanger Magazine Cover
Goalhanger as a masthead in bold with a slight green glow around it for added effect and is also in capitals because it makes it important

We chose the name "Goalhanger" because the magazine is about football and focuses specifically about football. Another reason we did this was because we wanted people to remember the name and we wanted it to be eye catching.

I replaced the O in goalhanger with a football to show the magazine was about football and also emphasise the fact that it's about football.

My tagline for my magazine was "all the news from the sidelines". I used this because it informs the reader about what is happening in the world of football and it also keeps them informed with all the news off the pitch aswell.

Main image:
  • The main  image of our magazine is an astro turf goal with Lionel Messi in front of the goal. We also faded out the image and made the photo of Messi in the foreground. We chose to have it like this because the main story/interview in the magazine is about him.
  • Our front cover also consists of a photo of 2 football tickets. We used this because it informs the reader that they can win football tickets. This also might interest them into buying the magazine.
Target audience:
  • The target audience for my magazine is male 17-35 year olds who are interested/playing football. They can be either single or married.
  • They will also have a job so therefore they will be able to afford the £2.10 price

The colours that we used were mainly green, blue and a bit of red. We used these colours because they are stereotypically men colours and the green conoted football. We used the red and the blue because they were the colours that were on Messi's kit.

We also faded out the picture of the goal in the background the goal was not important and also the photo of Messi is more important because the main interview/article is about him.

Other Information:

Our magazine is published weekly because it has all the latest news about football and because of this is it would be needed to be published every week.

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