Tuesday 8 January 2013

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment For Filming

Possible Hazards                                                    
- Falling over while walking and filming outside
- Someone getting hurt while playing football
- Getting hit by the football and getting injured
- Getting injured by knives and weapons 
- Losing media equipment
- Injury caused by vehicle

How to prevent these:
- Watch out for sticks, walk carefully when walking backwards or find another way of getting that shot
- Don't slide and be careful when playing football, don't go lunging in on tackles either
- Don't kick the ball directly at some one too hard and also aim carefully when filming on the astro
- Handle any sharp objects carefully
- Make sure all equipment is looked after and with one member of the group at all times
- Be careful when filming near roads, always look out for oncoming traffic

Falling over whilst walking is a small hazard because it can be easily avoided by being careful and it also will not hurt that much if someone does fall over.

Getting hit by the football is a medium hazard as it can sometime hurt quite a lot.

Getting injured by props such as knives and weapons is a medium/big hazard depending on the prop because if it was something like a knife and an accident happened then someone's life could be at risk

Losing media equipment is also a medium hazard as the equipment is quite expensive so this is why we need to make sure that all equipment is looked after.

Any injuries caused by vehicles are a big hazard because if someone gets hit by  car then this could lead to very serious injuries or even death.

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