Wednesday 9 January 2013

Film Narrative - The Avengers Assemble

                                                         Main Plot:

The film starts with Loki steals a magic box that has the power to destroy the earth. It was called the Tesserac and threatens about Alien invasion on earth. The avengers starts by showing a Sheild base where the tesserac is being tested by special agents and when Loki enters he brainwashes the agent to work for him. After he steals it and escapes the building. Later on in the film the audience learn why he decided to escape and go to hide. Later Nick Fury who is the director for shield who he then forms a plan and this is call the Avengers Initiave and this brings together some of the worlds most extraordinary people to form a team then their aim is to form a team in order to save the earth. The avengers team contains Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Towards the end of the film Tesserac forms a portal and it lets the aliens go through this portal to invade the earth. Once the Aliens have invaded the Avengers have to then fight these aliens and after they also have to find a way to close the portal before all the aliens have invaded and its then too late for them.

A plot twist also occurs when the US government think that the only way they can save the world is by destroying it. The battle ends by Iron Man carrying a missile through the portal which leads to space, he risks his life doing this but he is a typical hero because he saves the world.

There are also several side plots within the film that are:

Tony Stark is a billionaire with his own business empire and he also has a mechanical super-suit that he designed himself. In the Iron Man films he is selfish and arrogant but in iron man 2 he finally realises that not everything is about him and in avengers he has to work in a team to kill Loki and the aliens. At the end of the film he also goes through the portal with the missile and this puts his risk at life but he does it for the greater good as he saves everyone else. Captain America and  Iron Man come face to face many times as they have fought against each other many times before the film. He also owns his own hi-tech suit which gives him power. On the other hand Captain America is the complete opposite to Iron Man because he is an old world was 2 veteran who knows nothing about the modern day. Most people also know who Tony Starks is as he is a billionaire and also  everyone knows that Rodgers is dead and he is also in a world which is alien-like to him because he has no family members and friends and this is why he doesn’t know what is happening because he doesn’t have any one to talk to.
Black Widow and Hawkeye also know each other very well because they have been fighting all over the world as a team, they both are very skilled fighters but they do not have any powers.

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