Thursday 10 January 2013

Script For Rellik: Losing Fr13nds

boys are on the astro playing football*
*The ball gets kicked over by Harry*
Harry: Go get the Ball Rellik I CBA.
Rellik: No whys it always me who has to get it?
Jack: Because your the worse footballer
*All the other boys laugh*
Rellik: Shut Up Jack, it's always me who has to do and get everything.
Harry: Just go get the ball you Dirty little orphan
Rellik: What did you just call me
Harry: Both of your parents are dead aint they? So your a dirty little orphan
Rellik: You will Regret that.
*Runs out of the astro crying*
Alex: That was a bit harsh don't you think?
Jack: Shut up Alex he deserved it.
*Alex goes quiet again*
*A few hours later the boys go home*
*Harry walks the other way*
Harry: See you later lads yeah
The rest of the boys: Yeah see you later mate.
*As Harry is walking down the first alley he hears a noise, he quickly turns around but nothing is there. He keeps on walking before hearing something run past him, he turns around again but again nothing is there. He then starts to run but just as hes about to run down a alley he gets pushed into the trees by Rellik*
*With in seconds Harry is dead*

Wednesday 9 January 2013


During the planning we also had to create our own storyboards for our own horror films.


Film Narrative - The Avengers Assemble

                                                         Main Plot:

The film starts with Loki steals a magic box that has the power to destroy the earth. It was called the Tesserac and threatens about Alien invasion on earth. The avengers starts by showing a Sheild base where the tesserac is being tested by special agents and when Loki enters he brainwashes the agent to work for him. After he steals it and escapes the building. Later on in the film the audience learn why he decided to escape and go to hide. Later Nick Fury who is the director for shield who he then forms a plan and this is call the Avengers Initiave and this brings together some of the worlds most extraordinary people to form a team then their aim is to form a team in order to save the earth. The avengers team contains Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Towards the end of the film Tesserac forms a portal and it lets the aliens go through this portal to invade the earth. Once the Aliens have invaded the Avengers have to then fight these aliens and after they also have to find a way to close the portal before all the aliens have invaded and its then too late for them.

A plot twist also occurs when the US government think that the only way they can save the world is by destroying it. The battle ends by Iron Man carrying a missile through the portal which leads to space, he risks his life doing this but he is a typical hero because he saves the world.

There are also several side plots within the film that are:

Tony Stark is a billionaire with his own business empire and he also has a mechanical super-suit that he designed himself. In the Iron Man films he is selfish and arrogant but in iron man 2 he finally realises that not everything is about him and in avengers he has to work in a team to kill Loki and the aliens. At the end of the film he also goes through the portal with the missile and this puts his risk at life but he does it for the greater good as he saves everyone else. Captain America and  Iron Man come face to face many times as they have fought against each other many times before the film. He also owns his own hi-tech suit which gives him power. On the other hand Captain America is the complete opposite to Iron Man because he is an old world was 2 veteran who knows nothing about the modern day. Most people also know who Tony Starks is as he is a billionaire and also  everyone knows that Rodgers is dead and he is also in a world which is alien-like to him because he has no family members and friends and this is why he doesn’t know what is happening because he doesn’t have any one to talk to.
Black Widow and Hawkeye also know each other very well because they have been fighting all over the world as a team, they both are very skilled fighters but they do not have any powers.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Independent Horror Film Research

Top 10 US Grossing Horror Films According to IMDB

1) Jaws (1975) - $260 million
2) What Lies Beneath (2000) - $155 million
3) Gremlins (1984) - $148 million
4) The Blair Witch Project (1999) - $141 million
5) The Ring (2002) - $129 million
6) The Grudge (2004) - $110 million
7) Paranormal Activity (2007) - $108 million
8) Interview with the vampire: The vampire Chronicles (1994) - $105 million
9) Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) - $104 million
10) Scream (1996) - $103 million

All these films are all stereotypical horror films because they all involve violence and blood. They also all contain a main scary figure within the film, they also all keep the audience on edge during the film because they know that something is going to happen because there is a lot of tension and suspense used in them films before the violence.

Plot of our film

Our film is about a young teenager who always gets bullied and finally he loses it with the bullies.
The film starts at the astro where the boys are playing football. The football then gets kicked over the fence and the boys can not decide who should go and get it. Harry has always bullied Rellik and he is getting fed up of it. After a long argument about getting the ball Rellik finally walks out of the astro to get the ball. The ball gets kicked back on to the astro but Rellik does not return after that. The other boys then think that he has just gone home because he got bored. Once all the other boys are bored they all go home, Harry has to walk home on his own as his house is not near the others. When he is on hi way home walking down a dark,long alley Harry starts to hear noises behind him, he turns round but there is nothing there. Harry then starts to run before getting to a small hole in the middle of some trees and he gets pushed into there by Rellik then gets killed by him. Once Rellik has killed Harry he finds out that he liked killing and later on in the film he goes on to kill the rest of the group and finally Jack is the last one who finally realises what Rellik has been doing but it is too late to tell anyone about it.

Actors, Characters and Props

We also had to try and make up the characters appearances so that we could try and find some actors that would fit that character.

Character Description:
Rellik - Blonde haired 16 year old,scary looking face, also has look of a killer
Harry - Tall,brown hair, 16 years old, needs leadership qualities as he is the leader of the group
Josh - Small,13 years old, bit chubby
Jack - 16 years old,about the same height as Harry, also best mates with Harry
Alex - medium sized teenager, 16 years old,bit quiet but still good mates with the rest of the boys
Matt - Smaller boy than the others, 16 years old, bit of a loud mouth,likes to bully Rellik


Rellik - Rhys Williams
Harry - Harry Shipp
Josh - Lee Smith
Jack - Michael Smith
Alex - Adam Hayward
Matt - Harry Mclachlan

Props Needed:

  • Pair of muddy football boots
  • Pair of muddy goalie gloves
  • Football
  • Murder Weapon

Music Selection

We also had to choose some music tracks that we could use within our own film The tracks that we chose were:

- Dark Dimension Vol 7 - Drones
- Dark Dimension Vol 7 - Dark Flow
- Dark Drones Vol 3 - Science Lab
- Dark Dimensions Vol 3 - Un Explained

All music is from

The reason we chose these was because they will go well with horror films because they are dark and gloomy.

Group Roles

Dan Housden - Camerawork
Jack Payne/Ryan Hay - Editor
Harry Mac - Director
Jack Payne - Special Effects
Harry Mac - Music
Ryan Hay - Sound Effects

Filming Location Photos

Once we had completed all of our research we had to decide where we were going to film our title and opening scene. Before we chose the locations we had to make sure that those locations suited the events in our film. When looking for possible locations we also had to make sure that the locations created the atmosphere we wanted them too which was to build tension and make the audience feel uneasy and nervous.

The first location that we chose was the astro-turf. This is because in the opening scene this is where the friends are playing football together and the way that they all become friends is through football so the astro fits in the characters backgrounds before the film.

The next location that we decided on was the alley that Harry starts hearing noises from Rellik and it is also where Rellik starts to follow Harry. We chose to use this alley because this alley looks scary when it is dark and also has the trees overhanging it so it will create a scary atmosphere for the audience as they will feel tension for the characters.

We also found some more examples of some more locations that we could possibly use when Rellik stalked the rest of his victims later in the film because the friends live reasonably close to each other but they all walk home different ways.

We also chose this as the location where Rellik kills Harry later in the film. We chose to use this location because it is surrounded by trees and it is a dark and gloomy place to be at night.

Production Company Name

We also had to make up the production company and design the logo for our new production company. 
We named our production company 4 Man Productions because our group contained 4 people and we are all male. Another reason we chose this is because all our films have male target audiences. The red in the logo connotes that our films are in the thriller/horror genre and the red and black together connotes blood and death. The black and the white also work well together as they both emphasis the red. The 4 in our logo is also contains jagged edges which again connotes the films that we make are in the horror genre.

Film Pitch and Comments

We had a task as a production company to come up with a pitch for the film we will be making and we had to role play our pitch as if we were trying to get money from big production companies.

We got told that the name for our film was good because it makes the audience think and it also gives them a hint as to what may happen within the film. The 13th in the title also connotes bad luck and having it in the title also makes the audience think of what could happen within the film that is significant to the number 13.

We also got told that the astro turf would not be a suitable location for a horror movie because it would not create the atmosphere that is made in other horror films because not   many murders or scary events would happen at the astro. Whereas the alley that we are going to be filming in received better feedback as that is a stereotypical location for a horror films.

We had one main weakness for our film and that was that the plot wasn't very detailed. This is because we wasn't totally sure about how the plot was going to develop towards the end of the film at the time.

Target Audience for our film

The main target audience for our horror film is male 15-24. We chose this because most horror films are targeted at men because men tend to deal better with the genre and they also deal with the uncomfortable moods and the story lines and they also find murders,injuries and crimes more entertaining than females do. Another reason that we chose this for our target audience is because the film features mainly males that like football and have grown up together playing it and within our film football plays quite a significant role mainly at the beginning of the film.

Also our film is targeted at employed people, either part-time,full time or students that are still in full time education but may have a part-time job. This is because they will have more of an income than those who don't work and as a result of this they are more likely to be able to pay to watch the film.  Our target audience are also probably single and this will leave them with more money to pay to watch films whereas if they were in a relationship they will have less money to spend on films.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment For Filming

Possible Hazards                                                    
- Falling over while walking and filming outside
- Someone getting hurt while playing football
- Getting hit by the football and getting injured
- Getting injured by knives and weapons 
- Losing media equipment
- Injury caused by vehicle

How to prevent these:
- Watch out for sticks, walk carefully when walking backwards or find another way of getting that shot
- Don't slide and be careful when playing football, don't go lunging in on tackles either
- Don't kick the ball directly at some one too hard and also aim carefully when filming on the astro
- Handle any sharp objects carefully
- Make sure all equipment is looked after and with one member of the group at all times
- Be careful when filming near roads, always look out for oncoming traffic

Falling over whilst walking is a small hazard because it can be easily avoided by being careful and it also will not hurt that much if someone does fall over.

Getting hit by the football is a medium hazard as it can sometime hurt quite a lot.

Getting injured by props such as knives and weapons is a medium/big hazard depending on the prop because if it was something like a knife and an accident happened then someone's life could be at risk

Losing media equipment is also a medium hazard as the equipment is quite expensive so this is why we need to make sure that all equipment is looked after.

Any injuries caused by vehicles are a big hazard because if someone gets hit by  car then this could lead to very serious injuries or even death.

Shot List for individual film

Shot List

Number              Included in Shot                                       Shot Type
1                           Football rolling across the floor                  Close Up
2                           Pair of muddy goalie gloves                       Close Up             
3                           Pair of muddy football boots                       Close Up
4                           Old photo of Rellik’s football team              Long Shot
5                           The alley that Rellik murders Harry in         Mid Shot
6                           Murder weapon that Rellik uses                  Close Up
7                           Jack and brother Josh (Last 2 Victims)     Long Shot
8                           Harry (1st Victim)                                          Long Shot
9                           Alex                                                                Mid Shot
10                         Matt                                                                Long Shot
11                         Rellik alone on Astro                                    Long Shot
12                         Rellik alone on Astro                                    Mid Shot
13                         Rellik alone on Astro                                    Close Up
14                         Rellik’s angry face                                        Extreme Close Up
15                         Rellik’s eye                                                    Close Up             
16                         Rellik’s Pupil                                                  Extreme Close Up
17                         Title then fades in on Rellik’s Pupil             Extreme Close Up

Film titles and reasons

 The title we had decided to call our horror/thriller film was "Rellik Losing Fr13nds". We chose this name because Rellik spelt backwards is killer. Another reason that we chose this was because it is a unique name and everyone would remember it easily because it is different to any other horror film. Rellik is also one of the names for our characters. 

We also chose to add the 13 into our title to replace the i and e. This is because 13 is usually seen as an unlucky number and this may un-nerve the audience watching the film. Also the audience might think that the 13th is an important date within the film and the audience might want to find out what happens on the 13th.

We also chose to use "Losing Fr13nds" because it gives the audience a hint of what may happen in the film and hopefully this may gain us more of an audience because they might want to know why he loses his friends