Saturday 9 February 2013

Evaluation Task 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent social groups?

I chose to compare Rellik (Rhys Williams) with Michael Myers. There are also several similarities and differences between the 2 different characters.


  • They are both lonely in their films and they stay single throughout the movie
  • They both had a bad upbringing an therefore this resulted in them becoming killers
  • They are also both wear dark clothing throughout the film signifying danger and their personality as being quite dark and dull.
  • They both commit murders to teenagers within their films
  • They both use knives as their murder weapons

  • Michael is a full grown adult whereas Rellik is a teenager
  • Michael dies at the end of his film whereas Rellik doesn't 
  • Rellik committed his first murder at the age of 16 whereas Michael's first victim was killed when he was a very young age

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