Wednesday 27 March 2013

Final Film - Rellik Losing Fr13nds

this is the final version of our film Rellik: Losing Fr13nds after all changes and improvements were made.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Evaluation Task 7 Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Preliminary Task

In my preliminary task we used several camera angles and shots but there were 3 main things that we had to include were the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot. We used the 180 degree rule when Jack and Ryan were talking. We also used a shot reverse shot when they were talking to show that they were in a conversation to show the audience that they were talking to each other. In the preliminary task I also learnt how to use a panning shot when Jack was walking through the door towards the table to talk to Ryan. We only used one angle shot during the preliminary task which was eye level.

In the preliminary task we had to check that there was nothing in the frame that wasn't related to our film but we could have also re-positioned the camera because when we watched them back again you could see the camera in the reflection of the door and it didn't look very professional.

The lighting in out preliminary task was natural light because we filmed it in the afternoon, this was also helpful because you could see the characters and their face expressions clearly. We also had to make sure the corridor was well lit so you could see the characters clearly and so it looked more realistic and professional. The clothes that the characters wore during our prliminary task were casual and stereotypical for teenagers that go to sixth form. We also only used 3 props in the preliminary task and they were 2 chairs and a table. This is because we only had to film a short amount of a conversation and we didn't need any other props because the characters didn't move from the table. Another reason is because we wanted it to look more realistic and professional. The setting we chose to use was the corridor with a door that lead outside. We chose this because we wanted the light to be natural as well as trying to make it not look like a school corridor because of the way that we framed the shots.

In our preliminary task we also made sure that the characters spoke clearly and used standard english so that the audience would understand what they were saying.

When we were editing our preliminary task we had to include the 180 degree rule  and match on action as that was what our task was. We didn't include any cross cutting, jump cuts because our task wasn't that long and we didn't need to. We only used one transition in our preliminary task and that was a fade to black at the end.

We also used one title with our name on it, we used a sans serif font because it is simple with a big font. We put the text in a white font colour with a black background to make sure that it stood out and was easy to read. We didn't use any special effects or transitions in the preliminary task as we didn't need to.

Feature Film

In our film we used more camera shots than we did in our preliminary task. We used a panning shot that followed Rhys through the classroom. We used this because it showed that Rhys was annoyed because the others blamed him for everything. We also used a low angle shot looking up at Harry when he was talking to show that he had more power and was more dominant than Rhys then a high angle shot looking down on Rhys to show he was powerless and less dominant than Harry.

We also tried to include all the actors in the frame and take out any bags, coats and chairs that were not supposed to be in the frame to make it look more professional and realistic.

Before we started filming we made sure the room was well lit where we were filming so that the characters and all the props could be seen properly. The costumes that the actors wore were also stereotypical for teenage boys as this is what they would normally where when playing football. We used several props including chairs,tables, football, knife and red food colouring for the blood. We chose to use the food colouring for the blood because it made the film look more professional and it also added to the horror theme for our film. The settings that we used for our film were local and they were easy to get to to start filming.

When we were filming we got Rellik to talk like he was angry and upset while the boys were laughing and joking. This is because they have always bullied him and he is getting fed up and annoyed at it now and so that the audience knew that Rellik was annoyed.

When we were editing our own film we included several things. These included 180 degree rule, match on action, shot reverse shot and juxtaposition. We used these because they are used in real horror films so it made ours look more realistic and professional. We also included transitions in Rellik to included effects. These transitions were fade to black, flashes and fades between different scenes. We also used the "keyer" effect on the Mac to change the colour of the scene and to emphasis the horror and thriller genre. Another effect we used was the "earthquake" effect. We chose to use this because it makes the screen shake and it might put the audience on edge when watching the film because they might be expecting something that might make them jump. 

We also included several titles within the film and these had the actors names on along with the different jobs each of us had within the group. We also had the name of the film in a title during the title sequence. We chose to use a horrory looking font when the name of our film came up. This is to tell the audience that our film was of the horror and thriller genre

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Evaluation Task 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Equipment Photos

This is the mac that we used to edit our own film. The editing programme that we used was called Final Cut Pro. While editing our own film I learnt how add different effects such as the "keyer" effect which makes the shot darker for effects in horror films. I also learnt how to use other transitions which we used to make our final film look more realistic.

This is the tri-pod that we used when filming our own film to keep the shot as still as possible and to have the camera at the right height needed for the shot that we wanted to use. We also used it to help get the framing right so that everything in the shot that we wanted to was in and that we excluded anything we didn't want. This was also used to help make our own film look more professional and realistic compared to a typical horror film.

 We also used Facebook and other websites to contact other members of the group when we needed them for filming or editing certain parts of Rellik. This is important because it means that all the group were at each shot to make sure that everything was being filmed and edited correctly.


This is the camera that we used when filming Rellik. While filming we had to make sure that all the angles and the shot types we wanted to use were used correctly and for a good effect. An example of a type of shot that we used for effect was the high and low angle shot that we used when Harry and Rellik were arguing to show that Harry was more dominant and more powerfull that Rellik.

This is the voice recorder that we used to do our director style voice over for Rellik. When recording the voice over we had to talk about what film festival we were going to use to sell the film, our production company along with our marketing techniques we used to get more people to watch our film when it is released.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Evaluation Task 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

We used YouTube's annotation tool to describe the the viewers how our film appealed to our Target Audience. Above I have included the version with the annotations in it.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Evaluation 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?


We chose our target audience as male aged between 16 and 24. This is because they would have more free time than others as they would work less and men that mainly enjoy horror and thriller films more than women. The location of our target audience is local and from St. Neots. This is because there are local cinemas that are easily accessible located in Huntingdon and Cambridge but they also have a bigger population than St. Neots therefore attracting more people. Our target audience would also have a low income and they would fall into the category d or e. This is because they would only have been in employment for a short amount of time and they would not have the suitable skills and qualities to become a manager or a lawyer. Most of our target audience would also be single with a few that might be in a relationship. As a result of this they would be able to afford to pay to watch our film as they don't have to spend it on anything else. The educational level will vary within our target audience because the youngest age for our target audience might still be in full time education or university whereas the older people would have full time jobs. The majority of our target audience would be white British as most people that live in St. Neots are of this ethic background.


We chose for the personality of our target audience to be young teenagers. This is because this is the age range that are more likely to watch horrors and to be scared of both horror and thriller genre. We also decided to have that the personalities of our target audience would be outgoing and they like spending time with their friends. This is because they are more likely to go to the cinema with their friends rather than on their own. The behaviour of our target audience would be confident as if people were too scared then they wouldn't go to the cinema to watch the film. We also chose that our target audience lifestyle would be that they go to the cinema regularly as they are likely to have a part time job and therefore are able to spend more money going to the cinema. We also chose to advertise our film on the internet and over social networking sites. This is because the younger ages of our audience will be using things such as Facebook and Twitter and this is where they will find out about our film.

Evaluate your decision

I think there is enough people that fit my criteria because most teenagers are interested in thrillers and horrors. I also think that my target audience will benefit from our media product because teenagers are most likely to watch it and if they feel there is a need for it then they will get their friends and family to go and watch it and therefore spend more money on the film. I also understand that most teenagers will make decisions based on their friends and others opinions and if our film has a good reputation then more people are likely to spend their money to watch it. I think that our target audience would be able to afford our media product because most of them would have a part time job or some sort of monthly income and will be able to go to the cinema regularly if they wanted to.