Thursday 13 December 2012

Film Questionnaire

                                                                Film Questionnaire:

Before we started planning for our own horror film we had to complete a film questionnaire on how often people go to the cinema, what age group visit the cinema, where most people watch films, genre, favourite genres for the selected age group and what influiences their choice when watching films. We did this so we could decide on a target audience for our film and so we could get some ideas together. After we did the questionnaire we had to write up an evaluation from the result we had gathered.

1) Age? 
10-20  = 4 People
21-30 = 3 People
31-40 = 2 People
40+ = 1 Person

2) Gender?
Male = 5 People
Female = 5 People

3) Favourite Genre?
Comedy = 3 People
Animated = 3 People
Horror = 2 People
Action Adventure = 2 People

4) How Often Do People Go To The Cinema?
Rarely = 6 People
Monthly = 3 People
Never = 1 Person

5) Where Do People Watch Most Films?
At Home = 5 People
Cinema = 4 People
Friends House = 1 Person 

6) What Influences You Film Choice?
Favourite Actor = 3 People
Favourite Genre = 6 People
Favourite Director = 1 Person


Overall most of the people that I asked were between the 10-20 age range because that is the age range which will have the most free time to watch films,while the most liked genre was comedy and animation  while most people watch most of their films at home and when they do watch films it is the favourite genre that influences their choice when choosing a film.